Part I: The Puzzle
In Pursuit of Blue
The Glittering Image
The Nature of the Horse
Carpe Diem
Going to See the Wizard – The Search for Authenticity
In the Beginning was the Word
Time, Money, Calories and Horses’ Legs (energy, too)
Part II: For the Maker of the Puzzle
8. The Rider’s Position
9. Riding in the Arena
10. Tack Fit
11. Soundness Issues
12. The Law of Entrainment
13. Lunging
14. Having a Workable Game Plan
15. Use of the Round Pen
Part III: Reality: the Ultimate Outlaw
16. Awareness
17. Asymmetry (Yours and His)
18. Diligence, Simplicity and Humility
19. Staying in the Moment
20. Self One and Self Two
21. Creating Change and the Awareness of Choice
22. Forgiveness, Healing and Power
23. Achieving Congruence and Telepathy
24. The Coach’s Presentation of a Material
25. The Role of Expectation
26. Concerns for the Older Rider
27. Visualization
28. How you Think and What You Say is How You Ride
29. Ultimate Reality
30. The Ultimate Outlaw